Sunday, December 9, 2012

Baby Confirmation and Message to Baby Dominic

When I read that Baby Dominic Pio was confirmed by a priest, I turned to my catechism to read more about it Yep, babies and small children can be confirmed by a priest. It has been common in some places and time.

 See The Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraphs 1307 and 1314.

So when Baby Dominic's friends are going to Confirmation class, he can stay home and play Monopoly with his family. But first he needs to drink his bottle.

Baby Dominic, you probably can't read this blog post, but we adults are the ones who fast. You, the baby, are not suppose to fast. Did you get confused on who was fasting and who was not? Well, you're a baby, and I suppose this whole week has been confusing and strange for you with major surgery, drugs, IV lines, hospital routines, and what not. Dear Baby Dominic, please drink your milk. It'll help you grow big and strong and get you out that hospital sooner.

Dear Infant Jesus of Prague, Dear Holy Child of Atocha, please help Baby Dominic Pio.


Becky said...

Lena, you are too funny. Honestly, your blogs just make me laugh out loud. Next time I talk to Mary I'm going to tell her to read this to Dominic!

Mary Gundrum said...

This is a beautiful post that I will print up and put in his baby book, it's to sweet!! Thank you for your continued prayers and support of Dominic and our family, we really appreciate it!