Saturday, October 22, 2011

Two Book Stores and Catholic Books

Today my cousin and I traveled to a corn maze then stopped in a little town on the way home. I wanted to go in St. Mary's Bookstore in that little town in the middle of nowhere. It was quite a disappointing book store because it sold mostly religious statues. There was three book racks, and two of them were filled with Spanish language books. The books in English were mostly pamphlets. I bought a $3.95 pamphlet on prayers to say at adoration. Actually that's about all I could afford.

After I came home I went to my local Family Christian Store and wandered around there. Catholic books were relegated to two bottom bookshelves in the Commentaries section. The Catholic books were mostly Bibles (and I already have several), and children's books about saints. I saw one book about Catholic traditions, but I'm not sure if the author had much credibility. I wish they had a real Catholic book section. I did buy a comedy DVD by Chonda Pierce because I had a coupon. She's pretty funny.

I'm looking for some good contemporary Catholic books that are page turners. What Catholic books have you read that are captivating and page turners? I want to get lost and escape in a good Catholic book.

I read and loved these two novels by Christian M. Frank. I want to read more novels like these.


Meghan said...

There's a Catholic fiction author, Michelle Buckman, who writes with a prolife message weaved in. I have not read her novels yet, but she's got a six book series out. I just ordered the first one, so I'll let you know if it's good and can even pass it along to you once I finish it.

Her website is:

Other than that, I'm drawing a blank on other Catholic fiction authors. Before I was Catholic, I read and loved the Beverly Lewis series of books- she's a Christian author (formerly Amish)and her series was great.

Lena said...

Meghan, Yes, please let me know if you enjoy the novel you ordered.