Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mass Intentions for My Mother

I am having a series of masses said for my deceased mother at my parish. She's been gone for eight and half years now. It feel good to see her name in the church bulletin. It feels even better to hear her name read during the Prayers of the Faithful. Friends of hers from way back said it was wonderful to hear that the mass intentions have been for her. Hearing and seeing her name makes her come alive for me. She was the first person to teach me about God. You never forget the ones you love. My father misses her dearly. We miss her in different ways.

1 comment:

All in His Perfect Timing said...

It is a wonderful thing to remember your loved ones at mass. I am having masses said for my grandparents (x3) and know that they appreciate the prayers. I know your mom loves it too!