Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Author, K of C Picnic, Dog

We had a visiting retired priest say Mass this past Sunday. During the homily, the priest had a book that he recommended by a  Mr. Barkley. Actually I think he said Dr. Barkley and that he was Presbyterian. Maybe Barkley is spelled Barclay. I did a Google search, but I don't think I found the correct Barkley/Barclay Presbyterian.  The visiting priest didn't say the name of the book.

In the afternoon I accompanied my father to his Knights of Columbus picnic. Neither Dad nor I won the raffle or bingo. Usually one of us wins something. I enjoyed the picnic, and I think Dad did too.

Saturday wasn't filled with picnic fun. I woke up with dread in my stomach on Saturday. My godson and his mother had to put their dog to sleep, and I went with to offer comfort and support. I gave them hugs and lots of tissues because they cried a lot. The veterinarian first gave the dog a shot of calming medicine, and I think the family members needed the calming medicine. About 10 minutes later, the vet gave the dog the fatal dose. I hope the family members aren't too sad for too long. They sure loved the dog. I'm glad the vet was compassionate towards them.


pjw919 said...

Possibly William Barclay a Presbyterian Minister from Scotland. His New Testament Commentary has stood the test of time. His commentaries on the gospels are worth looking into and helps us see how the gospels apply to our everyday lives.

See my spirituality blog: http://heartsonfire33.wordpress.com

Fr. Paul Wharton

Lena said...

Thank you for the clue. You're probably right.